Make health and wellbeing work

Help your team find a path to better health and wellbeing and learn to lead a fuller, more balanced life. Aisti is your sixth sense for better health.

Goodbye reactive health, hello proactive health

Many of the biggest health problems and costs today can be prevented by helping people make personal changes to the way they lead their lives.

Today the focus is mainly on reactive health promotion and generalised lifestyle guidance that’s not right for everyone. We think the key to better health for all is focusing early on the impact that different parts of our lives have on our heath – preventing health problems before they happen. And that’s why we created Aisti Health.

Latest blogs

How to make long-lasting lifestyle changes

In autumn many people make a decision to take better care of themselves: more exercise, and sleep, healthier food and quality time with family and friends. However, after the initial enthusiasm, there...

Help your team to find a path to better well-being and performance

Every employee and work community is unique. So are the changes that can make individuals and the workplaces healthier and happier. For most of us, it’s the small changes that can have the biggest imp...

How Aisti Health was born?

A few years ago, Patrik Borg was frustrated. A research and health professional, he had been conducting lifestyle studies for years and had done clinical health promotional work through appointments a...

Meet Aisti

Aisti Health takes a smarter approach to data. It connects the dots to identify lifestyle challenges early and turns that information into guidance that people and companies can use on the path to a healthier future.

Insights on nine lifestyle areas

Innovative group-based analysis

Personalised advice and actions

Combining research and years of clinical expertise

Identify and support at-risk employees

Digital web-based solution

How to get started?

Get started

Request a demo and we’ll put together an offer based on your company needs.

Invite your team

We’ll invite your employees to do the Aisti Health assessment and support them along the way.

Track your wellbeing

We’ll help you dive deep into your team’s wellbeing with Aisti group-level reports.

Ready to take the first step?